
e-purlin is an engineered LVL roof underpurlin to support stick roofs for tile and metal sheet cladding.

Available in lengths up to 12m and will span over 3m to minimise the need for struts and strutting beams.

Features of e-purlin


  • Floors
  • Roofs
  • Walls
  • Formwork

Treatment Level

  • Internal
  • External
  • Max Length 12
  • Max DIM 96 x 51 mm

On this page


e-purlin offers the greatest flexibility in the design of stick roofs clad with tile or metal sheeting. They are available in a range of lengths from 3m to 12m with longer lengths available by special manufacture. e-purlins are design engineered to maximise the efficient use of material and time.


  1. Engineered for straightness and consistent performance
  2. High load bearing capacity for greater maximum strut spacing
  3. Longer lengths available, minimising jointing and wastage
  4. High strength yet lighter and safer to handle
  5. Chamfered edges for safer and more comfortable handling
  6. Manufactured from 100% sustainably sourced timber
  7. Manufactured and properties evaluated in accordance with AS/NZS4357 series - Structural laminated veneer lumber totally compatible for engineering design in accordance with AS1720.1:2010 - Timber structures, Part 1: Design methods
  8. JD4 joint group – for nails, bolts and screws
Available Sizes

e-purlin span tables are available below with longer lengths available, minimising jointing and wastage.

e-purlin Section D x B (mm)Roof Load Width - RLW (m)
Single SpanContinuous Span
Tile Roof - Maximum strut spacing (m)For Wind Classification N1/N2/N3
96 x 511.
Sheet Roof - Maximum strut spacing (m)For Wind Classification N1/N2/N3
96 x 512.
e-purlin Section D x B (mm)Roof Load Width - RLW (m)
Single SpanContinuous Span
Tile Roof - Maximum strut spacing (m)For Wind Classification N4
96 x 511.
Sheet Roof - Maximum strut spacing (m)For Wind Classification N4
96 x 512.
All fixings and retraints to be installed in accordance AS1684.2:2010
Installation & Maintenance

General: How to handle and store your Wesbeam Laminated Veneer Lumber products.

  1. Wesbeam Laminated Veneer Lumber should be stored well clear of the ground on level bearers spaced at maximum 1800mm centres
  2. It should be covered to keep dry but still allowing for ventilation
  3. Avoid placing LVL over areas susceptible to ponding.